
Backing up your computer

In the past few years, I have helped my family (several times) "try" and recover lost files. I have also lost things a couple of times on my own box. The biggest disaster was my dad's hard drive about a year and a half ago. He had all of his digital pictures on it (not backed up) and the drive decided it was finished. Well, needless to say he paid about $1,500 to get the pictures back and some of them were damaged. I personally have TONS of pictures, videos, etc on my drives and I was trying to back them all up via DVD and then have a copy at my house, my parents house. I also had them on an external drive, my iPod, and then favorites on Picasa. Well... needless to say... 30+ GB of pictures sure does use a lot of DVD's and hard drive space... especially with 10x redundancy!

I attended a Ruby Users group meeting at Mozy a couple of months ago and then decided to look them up. This was about the time they were advertising hard with their commercials. I thought "Unlimited space for 5 bucks, impossible." I decided to give it a try for a month to see if it was true. Well, I am now backing up about 500 GB for 5 dollars a month... yes, that's right 5 dollars a month.

Features I love:

  • Unlimited (yes, unlimited) space
  • You have a Mozy drive that contains all the files that are on the Mozy server
  • Quick restore
  • Can be scheduled (for the middle of the night)
  • You can throttle the speed of the uploads
Where Mozy need some work:
  • Well, lets face it indexing that many files takes some time...
  • Mozy can take up a good chunk of CPU and memory during a backup.

My parents have already used Mozy a few times to backup accidentally deleted files. Mozy keeps deleted files for 30 days... so you have a bit of time just in case.

Anyways, this link will give you a 10% discount on the service. I would give it a try. That 1500 bucks would have paid for about 25 years of the service... well worth it in my mind.


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