
Baby Mona

Ramona was born at 7:20 pm on Sunday, March 29th. According to Navajo legend, she revels in nudity and is bonny, blithe, happy and gay (If you've never been to Grandma Daines' house. don't expect that to make sense). She was 8 lbs and 19 inches long.

For now, she mostly goes by Mona. Also, Pearl is no longer "Baby Pearl." Sad but true, life goes on and now we have Baby Mona. The "baby" in front of their names helps people distinguish between them and all the grandma's with whom they share names. If you feel you need to youthanize Pearl's name still, call her "Pearly." That's what we do.

Pearl adores her sister! She was kind of in shock when she first got to the hospital, but it didn't take long for her to warm up. While I was being transferred to recovery, Mona was getting her bath and all that stuff. Pearl went to watch then came back to my room. The whole time she kept saying she wanted to go back and see her sister. She's pretty gentle with her and very helpful. I think having my parents here for the first two weeks was helpful not only to me, but for Pearl. She got loads of attention!

Pearl talks all the time about how much she doesn't like sharing (for example, she's good and asks for jelly beans and I give them to her and then she informs me "I not has to share my jelly beans! It my jelly beans" However, she often follows a statement like that with "I share my room with Mona. I share my toys (pronounced toes) with Mona." I wish I could write the way Pearl speaks. She has the greatest intonations and she annunciates every letter so well. We love listening to her.

Mona sleeps fantastic!!! The first night she did 8 hrs, the second night was pretty horrid, apparently that's when their digestive system kicks in and can cause some indigestion. Other than that though, she goes to bed around 10, sometime as late as 11. and rarely wakes up earlier than 4:30, but usually not until after 6 am. Kind of nice.

Before any moms get to jealous, let me tell you, she is just making up for how disgusting she is. I don't know how she's gained so much weight already (10 lbs at 5 weeks), because she doesn't seem to keep much down. I have nearly 30 burp cloths and still have to do a baby load at least twice a week or we're using dish towels and wash cloths with her. She always smells like sour milk, even though I am always wiping up her sticky face, neck and hands and changing her clothes (good thing we have lots). It's so bad some days I think I would rather have a baby who slept less than one who spit up this much. Not that I have a choice or would give up my Mona. I spent a fortune on some pills that may or may not help yesterday, so we'll see.


  1. Rae said...
    Lizzy, I'm so happy for you! I love the photos of the girls--especially how in one, Pearl looks somewhat concerned and still a smidge besotted. She sounds so lovely and intelligent and complex! And Baby Mona is beautiful!
    THE GROWS said...
    hey this is Emily. I found your blog through someone elses. How are you guys? I can't believe you already had your baby. We need to hang out agian soon.
    Heather said...
    Congratulations Lizzy! I'm glad she's such a good sleeper:-)
    Sariah said...
    We look forward to meeting Ramona in person. And it seems there's always a trade off with babies. They're so easy in some ways and super hard in others. Hopefully the meds will help.
    Carol said...
    smelly or not she sure is cute! i LOVE how pearl talks. kinda reminds me of emma. its sad, eli is a week older than her exactly and she can use sentences...i guess thats what happens when your boy only can hear for 6 months (we are a "little" (to put it nicely) delayed in the speech department).
    Mikayla said...
    Congratulations!!! I'm so glad that everything went so well!
    Willyerd Family said...
    Finally pictures of Mona!! She is beautiful! Hope all is well.

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