
Better Belly Shots

The lone, side picture didn't quite give the full effect. With Pearl I still carried it all out front, but it was a little more evenly distributed around my midsection. I'm a month away and STILL it is ALL out front and center. It's not even really a basketball shape because I don't think it's wide enough on the sides. I don't really consider myself "lucky" or "cute" because:
  • It's just making new and uglier stretch marks in the front
  • Is anyone really cute in their last month of pregnancy? Irrelevant at this point, says me.
Maybe I should have Greg take a bird's eye view. It is really a strange belly. Good guesses so far on date and weight. (see comments on this post.)


  1. Kevin said...
    I immediately thought of one thing when I saw these pics with the neon backgrounds, so I made this for you - http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/4616/side2.jpg

    Hope you like it. ;)
    Willyerd Family said...
    You are the cutest 8 month pregnant lady I've ever seen!!
    Rae said...
    This is just AWESOME!! You are darling, beautiful, all of the above....though I'm sure that's no consolation for the uncomfortable later months, and I can imagine what your back must feel like....
    Mikayla said...
    I know it doesn't feel like it, but you are amazingly cute. Pearl is adorable too! Just from her pictures, it seems like she has the greatest personality.
    Lizzy said...
    I promise I wasn't fishing for compliments, but THANKS!

    Pearl really does have tons of personality, and it's fun seeing it develop. Most days she's tons of fun, but she is two and they get incredibly WHINY! I can tolerate most everything better than whining. She's a good girl though.

    It's amazing how they come with their own personality. Even inside of me I know Ramona is so different from Pearl.
    Carol said...
    that is exactly what my sis-in-law looked like - thats what happens i guess when you are so dang skinny and cute :)
    Maginot said...
    I found your blog from Kim's blog, how are you? Pearl is so cute- love the hoodie and hands in the pockets. COngrats on the soon to be 2nd baby! So crazy & awful about the fire ordeal, hope you're alright now.
    Kimberly said...
    I had a dream that you had the baby and your back was instantly healed. I hope it happens soon!

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