So, we came home one evening and there were a bunch of kitties right outside our door (not that uncommon). Pearl refused to come inside because she wanted to pet the kitties (also, not that uncommon). So, we let her stay on the porch trying to get the kitties to let her hug and kiss them. The door was barely open so we could keep an eye on her. After a few minutes she decides to come in, so I shut the door and go back to making dinner. A few seconds later Greg comes in the room and says "Why is there a cat in the house?" No wonder why Pearl willingly came inside! She was sitting on the floor just loving that cat. Naturally it wasn't allowed to stay for long, and Pearl of course went right outside with it. This time we shut the door. Pearl opened it herself, and went up the stairs with it (which are out of my sight from the kitchen) DISGUSTING!!!! But she loved it. Too bad everyone's allerigic and they have hair and are gross and annoying, otherwise we might be pursuaded to get her one for Christmas. No way though.
A good percentage of Pearl's day is spent talking about, looking for, staring at and chasing kitties. It's just as bad with dogs, but there are less of those in our neighborhood.
Pearl and Grandma at the Festival of Trees. It's a charity event for Primary Children's Hospital where people decorate trees, wreaths, etc and they are sold at auction. Pearl was such a good sport... there were hundreds of beautiful trees that Pearl could only look at. She loved the bear and dog themed trees the most.