
We took a vacation with the Doermann side this week. We went up to Jordanelle State Park near Park City, UT. The first night was a bit scary with lightning all around us for a couple of hours. One even hit the lake about 100 yards from us.

It was Pearl's first time sleeping in a tent... and she had a great time. The first night she spent two hours running all around the tent squealing with delight while we tried to sleep.

We had a fun time boating as well. I tried to wakeboard and kneeboard as much as Tyler... and in the morning I was too sore to do anything... It was awful, I felt like an old man. I did seem to get more air than him though... and he kept falling (see slide show). It was fun to see him continue to crash and burn.


  1. Grammie Star Wars said...
    Dear Sister Elizabeth,
    Pearl is so big!!! You might figure out who I am since your nephews and niece call me Grammie Star Wars or Haddie. I saw your blog on Shaleahs blog.
    Great to see picture of you all.
    GSW or Sister Petersen :>)
    Party of Five said...
    Hey Lizzy and Greg! We miss you guys. We want to come see you soon. Hope you're well! - Wendy and Mike V.
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